It’s never too late to start!
Recently, a 20-year study involving 15,000 middle-aged and older adults in the UK found that those who maintained a medium (150 minutes of moderate intensity per week) activity levels had a 28% lower risk of mortality compared to those with low activity levels.
This was regardless of whether the individual began the study with moderate activity or other factors such as diet, weight, blood pressure or cholesterol.
The moral of the story is that even if you haven’t had much of an active lifestyle up until now, there are still significant health benefits to reap by beginning to undertaking an active lifestyle from today.
If beginning a new exercise regime is daunting to you, or you want to help your body adapt and recover as best it can, we always recommend seeing a health professional to help support you. Here at Blyss we love keeping active and helping our community stay active too.
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